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We had such an enthusiastic response to this class (sold out in less than an hour!) that we decided to open it up for a second group of students. Everything content-wise will be the same, only this one will meet on a different day of the week. If you have any questions, please contact


Have been feeling super bummed about David Lynch’s passing last month and I thought what better way to honor his memory than to revive our ‘Lynchian’ writing workshop for one more go around. This time though we’ll watch all 10 of Lynch’s feature films—from Eraserhead to Inland Empire—along with a selection of shorts, commercials, music videos, and other oddities (like his daily weather reports). And we’ll not only watch and discuss each film in our weekly meeting, but we’ll also workshop up to two pieces of your own writing as well.


Note: You will receive a downloadable .pdf file of our syllabus + welcome packet in your confirmation email.


• Instructor: David Byron Queen


• Online via Zoom (info included in welcome packet)


• Meets Thursdays 7-9 PM | April 24 — May 29


• Open to fiction, cnf, poetry, scripts—all are ok!


• 6 wks / $350 (*$50 off for first 3 sign ups*)


• Please contact '' with any questions/concerns.


video edit by wasabae.filmss (via youtube)

Lynchian: a Writing Workshop (Group 2)

$350.00 Regular Price
$300.00Sale Price
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